The above poster is very simple and appears to be created using something such as Illustrator as there are a lot of vector lines, i think that this could then make a strong outlook on what im wanting to create, however i reckon my work will be a lot stronger than this as the work looks impressive but is really simple to create.
These above again are created using simple vector lines and looks rather simple to create but i think that it still has a capturing visual concept about it and i would like to think that all my work would have this same style when creating.
Image and illustration added together to create an capturing look at what im trying to achieve, this work could be done rather easily by just having the image under some tracing paper and then drawing what you want to be in its place and then photoshopping these together to get this, this way you could also change any imperfections within the images. I might try to achieve some work similar to this in future projects depending on the time limit i have on the brief.
Strong vectors with highlights of colour to draw the attention to certain parts of the images. Chaos is less legible in this occasion even though it could be more noticed within society of today, The best style of work always challenges conventions and even though i don't reckon this is the best style of work it defiantly does make you think about what you are wanting to achieve and complete within your design work.
This is the sort of design work which makes me want to achieve better and be able to create this style of work when im older and in a proper design agency in a full time job.